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Being Me Therapies
Rating (average)
Business Name
NDIS Registered Provider
Business Address
Cairns and surrounding regions, mobile, in-home services and telehealth.
Business Description

Welcome to Being Me Therapies, a holistic and client centred service offering specialist OT and Social Work Services to the Cairns region. Being Me provides support to clients throughout adolescence and adulthood across a wide variety of areas. We have a specific and unique interest in supporting individuals with ADHD, and psychosocial health conditions, delivering expert care, innovative solutions and navigating the complexities of NDIS as well as other government support systems such as DSP, family tax, and Centrelink entitlements.

Our Occupational Therapist has been practicing for over 10 years and is highly competent in implementing client centred interventions that improve daily living skills, enhance independence, and promote overall well-being. Complementing these services, our Social Worker has been practicing for over 20 years in the Cairns region, and specialises in assisting adolescents as they transition into adulthood, particularly around the critical ages of 16 to 18. This support extends to guiding families through the complexities of the NDIS and Centrelink, ensuring our clients navigate these systems with ease and confidence.

We recognise that everyone is unique, with their own experiences and aspirations. This understanding is at the heart of our approach, guiding us to collaborate closely with you to develop personalised strategies that align with your individual needs and goals. We have a fundamental belief that each person should be actively engaged in their supports, and always strive to build capacity and independence of our clients.

We look forward to working with our clients to become active participants in their NDIS journey.

Services we can provide:

🔵 Assessments including: Functional Capacity, Home & Living (SIL, SDA & ILO), Assistive Technology, NDIS Access OT reports, and Minor Home Modifications).
🔵 Ongoing Therapy for development of goals/skill building
🔵 Support worker, and Carer Training
🔵 Counselling
🔵 Professional Supervision
🔵 Manual Handling / Ergonomics
🔵 Support with Housing Applications
🔵 Navigating NDIS and non-NDIS services in the local community

Current wait times: OT wait times is approximately 4 weeks although accepting urgent referrals

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
0487 561 774
91 502 557 076