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Sisi’s Studio 
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NDIS Registered Provider
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Business Description

Singing is a powerful movement. It can have a hugely positive affect on a person's mental health, and can even be part of a healing process. I've seen this many times, and that's why I love to provide a space for people to have their vocal freedom.

In 2019, I learned a vocal technique that completely transformed my voice, and increased my range; I couldn't wait to teach it to others.

This technique is taught through the world class Institute for Vocal Advancement (IVA) where I'm completing a 3 year accredited course in Vocal Pedagogy (singing teaching). At the IVA, we teach as we study so we can apply the fundamentals to our students immediately, giving them the best chance to have full control of their instrument.

Chat to Sophia (Sisi) Goisisi  -

Business Phone Number
22 613 784 930